Friday, September 12, 2008

Thing 22. What Did I Learn Today?

I have learned that that Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 are anything but static. We are in the information business and have to try and keep up with or in the very least know about what is out there on the web.

In my experience of 31 years in education school librarians were the first to embrace and see the potential of the internet and tried to get other school personnel interested to see there was a better way to do things. It was slow at first but finally others saw the potential and the schools were off and running. I have been at the public library level for close to five years and I am very glad were still are on the cutting edge of technology.

At my library we have a fliker account, a blog, and a very great website designed by our children's librarian. Our patrons come to these sites daily and share with friends and family. We appreciate the effort spent on the 23 Things on a Stick. Without this information and sites it would have been very hard indeed to find and learn all of this information.

I do try to put aside a few minutes of my day to learn new things and encourage the staff to do likewise. I already had a staff member finish the 23 Things and she is using some of the information.

Thank you for this website and this opportunity. I have handed out many 23 Things cards and have other exploring the web.

1 comment:

Prashant said...

Ok so you are eager to write things about you. Good theme, what else more you want to write. It's better to introspection. If you want some online fun then free online games are available to you